We all love our farm-fresh foods over here at Farm Star Living, but have you ever thought to ask why should you be considering a plant-based diet? Or at minimum, increasing how many plant-based foods you consume daily? Here are the real reasons why you should give eating more plant-based some earnest thought.
Could you imagine summer without a slice of watermelon? Me neither! Melon 1 has been working hard to make sure that there are watermelon smiles available for everyone. Read how bringing you watermelons this summer is one of the most important things in their lives.
It's raining men! This month we're celebrating men with National Men's Health Month and Father's Day! Check out these recipes to start grilling it up!
It's watermelon season and we have a special treat! We have a way to make your skin look better than ever – glowing, smooth, radiant and so incredibly healthy! See our special recipe featuring the star anti-oxidant powerhouse: the watermelon!
Ok, so your tank's empty. We get it, and yet why do we all relate so well? It's time to understand that we can, and we should, prioritize time to make our lives more grounded, more fulfilled, and feel refreshed. Here are three ways that are easy and yet surprisingly able to turn things around.
This is the time to share the love with the MOMS in our lives! Let's celebrate them and the other women in your life with some extra TLC and some great products, too!
Meet Mind Travel Founder Murray Hidary, who is a trend-setter in the meditation world and has created transformative musical immersion experiences to take people deeper into relaxation and peace. His story is a fascinating one, and his tips are just what the doctor ordered.
There is something to be said about being transparent – opening up your doors to let people peer into your world that is for so many of us mysterious, confusing and intimidating. Agriculture is one of those worlds – we think we know what it is but sometimes we don't have a clue! That's why I wanted to share more about these three farming food companies whose food we love here at Farm Star Living – and they are indeed transparent, visible and honoring our Earth!
Don't leave your 'gut health' up in the air! Take control of how you're treating your gut, because this is the first step if you want to take care of your health in a mindful manner. Here is some insight into what's going on in that 'gut' of ours, as well as some tips and food suggestions to help you keep your gut in check!
See what's in store for you this month! We have lots of renewing tips from skin, to home, to mind, body and spirit. Not to mention delicious foods for you to enjoy in your kitchen – and to keep you healthy!