Little Alley Steak sets the perfect scene as an upscale, New York butcher-tinged steak house. The menu boasts a top-notch charcuterie program, a full decanting service with an impressive wine list, a vast bourbon collection and original cuts of meat from renowned Chicago butcher, Meats by Linz. Set in a former antique shop, Little Alley Steak is designed to evoke the feeling of classic steakhouses and butcher shops. The building utilizes refurbished brick, white subway tiles and reclaimed wood from the original Little Alley Tapas Bar & Restaurant to create an intimate atmosphere while track lighting fashioned from meat hooks illuminates the dining room. The cozy and romantic ambiance is completed with seating areas comprised of booths and tables situated between low walls.

Phone: (678) 331-7443
Address: 955 Canton Street
Roswell, GA 30075
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