Bake425 offers bake-at-home pizzas fresh to order, using the highest-quality ingredients possible. They use organic ingredients when they're the best option, and if they are not, they use either locally sourced or small batch ingredients. They only source ingredients that: 1) do not contain GMOs, 2) do not contain added nitrates or nitrites, 3) do not contain toxic pesticides, 4) do not contain chemical dough conditioners, 5) do not contain chemical preservatives, and 6) do not contain antibiotic raised meats. They source as menu ingredients as possible from nearby farms. They frequent farmers markets and work with local farmers to incorporate the season's finest into their dishes. Ultimately the fewer steps between the farm and the fork, the better. There are multiple locations around Chicagoland. The address provided here in this form is only one of them.

Phone: (847) 501-5000
Address: 544 Lincoln Avenue
Winnetka, IL 60093
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