Wild Sea Oyster Bar & Grille has got beautiful surroundings with even nicer locally caught food. A visit to Fort Lauerdale is not complete without a trip to this sea to fork destination. Chef de cuisine Jon Sanchez, an alumnus of Thomas Keller, prides himself on sourcing the best ingredients possible. Whole fish are brought in and filleted daily to ensure the original product is as fresh as can be and the remnants are later turned into soups and stocks. These house-prepared ingredients are part of a menu that is constantly evolving, with such offerings as golden tilefish with poached clams, mushrooms, and julienned kohlrabi over a cream sauce made from the tilefish itself. You can't get much more sustainable than that! This is a fish lovers dream!

Phone: (954) 467-2555
Address: 620 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
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