The mission of Eyrie is to provide a supportive learning environment for aspiring chefs, while also providing seasonal dining for the community and embracing sustainable practices. Winner of three Diner’s Choice Awards (Best Overall, Best Ambiance, Best Food), one would assume that The Eyrie was run by individuals who have spent many years in the restaurant industry; that is not the case here. The Eyrie is run by students from Robert Morris University. It is seen as the ultimate experiential classroom for the students, before they embark further into their futures in the hospitality industry. The restaurant was originally a project formulated through the Integrated Learning Center (ICenter), a division of the University, and later became a reality through the collaborative efforts of the students. They get an A+ in our book!

Phone: (708) 763-8380
Address: 128 North Oak Park Ave Oak Park, IL
Oak park, IL 60301
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