This eco-friendly neighborhood burger joint, serving Atlanta with 2 locations, believes in Keeping Food Real. That means serving natural and organic ingredients free of antibiotics, growth hormones, synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other nasty additives. YEAH! Burger serves locally- and pasture-raised chicken, grass-fed beef and plenty of other Atlanta goods, including locally made goat cheese, local lettuces and kale, and locally-made ice cream in their signature floats and shakes.

Phone: (404) 437-7845
Address: 1017 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
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All Restaurant Reviews:
Awesome place! Uses organic and local goodies! The best part have burger options for vegans! They rock! :)
Awesome place! Uses organic and local goodies! The best part have burger options for vegans! They rock! :)
best burger for a hangover!
love these burgers!