When winter rolls around, I love a good hearty soup and a cozy fire. Plus the root vegetables this time of year are fantastic. This Butternut Squash Soup is the perfect recipe for the good hearty flavor but still light and soothing.
First let’s look at the squash itself. Did you know that squashes come in many different shapes and colors including tan, orange, and blue? Yes, and squash is also classified by two types, according to backyard gardeners. There is summer squash, which is fast maturing, as well as winter squash, which takes longer to mature.
We’re not the only ones who eat squash. The U.S. is actually the world's largest importer of squash, and countries around the world enjoy ours. In fact, squash is commonly made into candy in Latin America!
Health benefits are plentiful, and they’re low in calories because squash are mostly made of water. Just a few of the health benefits of squash are that they may help prevent cancer cell growth, control blood pressure, improve hair, skin and nails and even potentially reduce anxiety!
We have borrowed this recipe from Wholesum Harvest, known for its variety of organic vegetables. Since squash is susceptible to numerous plant diseases common in the Americas, Wholesum Harvest uses generous amounts of fluffy, organic compost to fortify and supplement the soils as growing the healthiest vegetables means starting with organically balanced, healthy soil.
Now that you’re well versed, perhaps you’ll have greater appreciation of this fantastic vegetable. Bon appetit!
Ingredients 2 tablespoons butter 1 small onion, chopped 1 stalk celery chopped 1 medium carrot, chopped 2 medium potato, cubed 1 medium Wholesum Harvest butternut squash- peeled, seeded and cubed 32 ounce container chicken stock 1 dash Ground Black Pepper to taste 1 dash Sea salt to taste
Instructions Melt the butter in a large pot, and cook the onion, celery, carrot, potatoes, and squash 5 minutes, or until lightly browned. Pour in enough of the chicken stock to cover vegetables Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover pot, and simmer 40 minutes, or until all vegetables are tender Transfer the soup to a blender, and blend until smooth. Return to pot, and mix in any remaining stock to attain desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper Squash Health Benefits Vitamins A and C Prevent Cancer Cell Growth Control Blood Pressure Protein Aids in digestion Anti-fungal Improves hair, skin and nails Increases stamina May reduce anxiety
Nutrition Serving size: 1 medium serving; Calories: 32; Fat: .4g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Sodium: 4mg; Carbs: 7g; Sugars: 4.3g; Protein: 2.4g; Potassium: 14%Daily Value; Vitamin A: 7% Daily Value; Vitamin C: 25% Daily Value; Calcium: 2% Daily Value; Iron: 3% Daily Value Squashes are generally categorized into two types by backyard gardeners. "Summer" squash types are fast maturing and “Winter” squash types are take longer to mature.